A brown and pink rat tat. Usually considered vermin in the West, the rat is honored as one of the animals in the Chinese horoscope. Those who are born in the Year of the Rat (most recently the Eath Rat beginning in 2008) are creative, sly and ambitious. Though they can also be tight-wads and stingy. They get along well with those born in the year of the Ox, Monkey and Dragon, but not with those born in the year of the Horse.
Tattoos, Tribal tattoos, Celtic tattoos, tattoo designs, cross tattoos, flower tattoos, lower back tattoos, butterfly tattoos, sun tattoos, religious tattoos, fairy tattoos, dragon tattoo and more!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Rat Tattoo Picture
A brown and pink rat tat. Usually considered vermin in the West, the rat is honored as one of the animals in the Chinese horoscope. Those who are born in the Year of the Rat (most recently the Eath Rat beginning in 2008) are creative, sly and ambitious. Though they can also be tight-wads and stingy. They get along well with those born in the year of the Ox, Monkey and Dragon, but not with those born in the year of the Horse.