A second important issue regarding this theme is that while different areas generally maintain strict regulations surrounding tattoos, that is not usually the case with body piercing. As body piercing carries ever so many higher and frequent risks of infection than tattoos, in signing these health waivers the teenager rarely understands how significant these risk elements certainly are. Even if you are only concerned with some of the potential health risks of body piercing it still has a long way to go until it is considered acceptable.
Tattoos and Body Art on Hollywood Celebrities
Angelina Jolie recently voted most sexy woman has plenty of tattoos and is probably the most famous and desirable celebrity with tattoos in Hollywood. This surge in popularity of celebrity tattoos began in the 1960s. Lyle Tuttle the forefather of American tattooing tattooed Janis Joplin. Actor Johnny Depp ranks as heavily tattooed for his caliber of talent and breadth of acting work. His tattooed arms are as often painted to be blank flesh as left with their own tattoos showing and incorporated into the character.
Historically rock stars were renowned for getting tattoos. Singer Henry Rollins began his tattoo collection as the lead singer of Black Flag.