Sunday, February 28, 2010

Devil Tattoos

Devil Tattoos
Devil tattoos are representations of a supernatural entity, who, in most Western religions, is the central embodiment of evil. This entity is commonly referred to by a variety of other names, including Satan, Asmodai, Beelzebub, Lucifer and Mephistopheles. In the tradition of the Christian Church, Lucifer was an archangel, who had God’s favor as the first angel among equals, but because of his vanity, hubris and weakness of character fell so far from God’s grace that he was literally cast out of Heaven when he led other angels in revolt. As the devil, Lucifer is a symbol for chaos, and a wild, uncontrollable spirit cursed with all the vices and worst aspects of the human condition. Images of Satan as being red, having horns, cloven hooves and a tail are all efforts by a Church hierarchy to literally demonize the image of the fallen Lucifer. A devil tattoo symbolizes a mischievous, lascivious, and perhaps slightly wicked nature with a predisposition towards all manner of sinful behavior and other vices! It is also the symbol for lust in certain pagan religions such as Satanism. Despite it’s obvious connotations of being evil, many people merely choose a devil tattoo because their personality is a bit mischievous. Some devil depictions have nothing to do with hell and condemnation, but rather are cute and cuddly.
Devil Tattoos
Now who doesn’t have a little devil in them, I know I do. These hot little devil tattoos are excellent for the person that wants to show off their devilish side. All these devil tattoos are red, I really like the blue devils that you see a lot of tattoo artists putting out now days. The blue makes them look just a little more gentle in their devilish ways. The great thing about devil tattoos is that men and women look good with them on their bodies. A little devil never did anything that bad to make someone not want to wear them around town. The naughty little devil with the pitch fork has a meaning to lot of people, it says I can be nice and I can be naughty, which do you prefer. If you look at some of these devil tattoos, some of them even have wings. Now I really like all of them, but a few stand out over the rest. I like the full body devil tattoos versus the devil face only. I think it just looks better visually. I could see a hot girl having one of these devil tattoos on her arm, prancing around a party talking about how naughty she has been.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Eagle Tattoos

Eagle Tattoos
This is a good looking tattoo in my simple opinion. It is one of those eagle tattoos that people get when they want to show how much they love the symbol of the eagle. This guy picked a good one here, it is a high flying eagle that is looking down on it’s prey. The eagle is such a magnificent animal, and anytime someone chooses to have one put on their body, it is a great choice. I have seen some incredible eagle tattoos on people at tattoo conventions, and I have seen them at lots of fraternity parties. The best eagle tattoos you might be able to view, are on the Indian tribes of the northwest. The tattoos and the totem poles do not even come close to the real beauty of a live eagle. The first time you see a live eagle, I guarantee you will fall totally in love with the species. They are strong and intimidating to some degree, but the feeling you get from seeing one live is just to incredible to speak about. I find a lot of eagle tattoos do a great job at displaying what the eagle is all about. I would like to see some more tattoos like this with more than one eagle in it. Most of the time you never see an eagle tattoo with more than one eagle, what happened to the mates and the chicks.
Eagle Tattoos
The eagle tattoo is one of those rare tattoos that have almost a universal meaning regardless of the culture that embraces it. The eagle is also known to represent wisdom, spiritual protection, and a provider of strength and courage. As the highest flying of all birds, many cultures believe the eagle to be a connection between man and the gods, carrying prayers up to the heavens. Native Americans believed the eagle to embody honor, bravery, friendship and have special magical powers. Eagles are regarded as the divine spirit, the head of all creatures in the air and as the primary servant or even direct representative of the sun. Thus, eagle tattoos are especially popular among their people and eagle designs continuously show up in their arts, history and culture. As the national bird of the United States, the American eagle has made its way onto the skin of countless US servicemen. As the ultimate statement of patriotism, American eagle tattoos show the love one has for his country and the freedoms within it. But, regardless of the reason for getting an eagle tattoo you can be sure that it represents the best of humanity, respect, courage, wisdom and above all else, freedom.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dragon Tattoos

Dragon Tattoos
The Chinese dragon tattoo has always been a symbol of power in the East. While Western cultures have often viewed the dragon as something to be feared and hated, the Eastern cultures often have a differing viewpoint. With saliva that was like perfume and a voice like the musical ringing of a copper basin, the Asian dragon was the bearer of profound blessings and was as such heavily identified with by the Chinese. In fact, Chinese people all over the world are affectionately known as "lung de chuan ren", or the "descendants of the dragon". There are several distinct species of Chinese dragons. The Horned Dragon is considered to be the mightiest and here is a representation of the Chinese dragon tattoo. The dragon tattoo is a representation of might, power and divine grace. But, the mystique of the dragon tattoo is not only bound to Chinese tradition. Both Japanese and Chinese lore are filled with stories of creatures, who, through their special quests, at the end of their journeys, were transformed into dragons. In Japan, these were often the stories of Carp who through their perseverance, journeys and struggles, in the end were transformed into dragons. It’s no wonder that the dragon tattoo is such a popular design.
Dragon Tattoos
As a tattoo design, the dragon tattoo shows the profound influence that Japanese and Chinese culture has had in Western tattooing for nearly two centuries now. In the Far East, the dragon represents the four elements – earth, wind, fire and water, and the four points of the compass – east, west, north and south. Dragons are simultaneously a symbol of water, earth, fire and air. The dragon is a culturally far-ranging character whose apparent bad temper should be interpreted as simply amoral, neither good nor evil. The forces of nature are not human hearted, representing as they do the cycle of life and death, followed again by birth and renewal. Nature nurtures and nature destroys. So too, does the dragon. As such, dragon tattoos denote special strength and abilities. In fact, both Japanese and Chinese lore are filled with stories of creatures, who, through their special quests or at the end of their journeys, were transformed into dragons. This was considered the highest gift that anyone could receive. The power, magic and intelligence of the dragon. And it is this raw power and strength that is symbolized by the dragon tattoo.

Cool Tattoos

Cool Tattoos
If you ask any group of people what the definition of a cool tattoo is then you would probably get a whole array of answers. Some people consider cool tattoos to be fierce and dark designs depicting demons, skulls and other horror elements. To others, cool tattoos are those that are humorous or witty. But, I think many of us would agree that a cool tattoo is what is solely defined by the bearer. For me, cool tattoos are the ones that you don’t expect to see. These are tattoos such as eight balls inked on bald men’s heads or tattoos that appear to be fake injuries, such as a dagger jetting out of someone’s back. But, one of my favorite cool tattoos has to be the one of an alien poking itself out of the person’s chest. Not only is it graphic and surprising but it also pays homage to one of the greatest horror flicks of all time. I would also consider the fireman on this guys back as a pretty cool tattoo. It’s beautifully shaded and colored and has almost a 3-D quality to it. And who doesn’t admire fire fighters anyway?

Cherry Tattoos

Cherry Tattoos
This tattoo is red hot and looking to burn you when you touch it. At least that’s the way it looks like to me. Outrageous cherry tattoos are so eye appealing, I love how they have tons of color and the flame effect is beautiful. This reminds me of some of the art work I have seen on choppers and the bad boys that ride them. It’s almost to hot to handle and getting hotter by the minute. Yes this tattoo looks like it could scorch your eye brows if you got to close for a better look.
If your looking for something that will grab the ladies attention, cherry tattoos like this are just what you need. You put one of these bad boys on your arm or leg and here come the ladies wanting to talk and touch. I know one biker dude that has cherry tattoos up and down his arms in different designs and colors, they look totally awesome. They go with almost all styles of tattoos as long as they have lots of colors in them. If red hot is what you want, then get red hot cherry tattoos to go, they will look hot and make you look cool.

Cherry Tattoos
A popular tattoo choice among many younger women is the cherry tattoo. The cherry has come to represent feminine chastity and purity as the fruit ripens on the tree. Once plucked, however, a cherry represents the loss of innocence and virtue. A cherry tasted, its flesh pierced by appetite, is a virgin no more. A cherry surrounded in flames speaks of unquenchable desire, passion and lust. And a cherry tattoo where the fruit is surrounded by water is also symbolic of sexual desire and passion. The cherry tattoo is usually placed around the female genitalia, on the thigh or on occasion the breast. The name of the cherry comes originally from the Greek, and in Latin means ‘of or for the birds’, due to the birds’ obvious attraction to the fruit. Universally, the cherry is also said to be the fruit of heaven, and it is often used to symbolize beauty and love. Cherry tattoos when mixed with cherry blossoms make for some stunning and very symbolic art. The cherry tree was treasured around the Mediterranean and was a favorite fruit of the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Cherries were eaten as fruit, used in sauces for its sweetness when ripe and tartness when picked early.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wrist Tattoos

Wrist Tattoos
A growing number of top celebrities wear wrist tattoos. Nicole Ritchie has inner wrist tattoos of a red shooting star on her left wrist and the word "virgin" on her right. Lindsay Lohan’s wrist tattoo is the word "breathe" in white and located on her right wrist and a small star tattoo on inside left wrist. Britney Spears has a lips tattoo. Jessica Alba has a Sanskrit character for lotus flower on her wrist. Ashlee Simpson has a star tattoo and a "love" tattoo. Orlando Bloom’s wrist tattoo is of the Elvish word for "nine". All nine of the "Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring" actors have this same tattoo to celebrate their participation in the films. Nautical stars and words are probably the most used wrist tattoos. Wrist band tattoos are usually celtic knots or barbed wire or even phrases. There are many types of wrist tattoos including stars, words, and wrist bands. Women sometimes get flowers, hearts, or kissing lips wrist tattoos.The wrist is a great location for a tattoo that you can hide or show off as you choose as long as it’s placed on the underside of the wrist or on the side.
Wrist Tattoos
If you are currently thinking about getting a wrist tattoo there are a few things to keep in mind. Most of the care that a wrist tattoo needs isn’t much different from any other tattoo. But, because of the location it may need a little extra attention because the hands are a part of the body that is used constantly, so it may be more likely to get dirt in it. The first thing to keep in mind is that the wrist area is covered with a thin layer of skin with very little muscles under it. As such the pain will probably be more intense than any other areas of the body. The second thing is that wrist tattoos take a longer time to heal then say, a chest or arm tattoo. Since it is one of the most exposed areas of the body, you might need to do some ‘refurbishing’ of the design after a few years, if you want it to retain its sharpness of design. And the final consideration that you need to make before getting a wrist tattoo is the design factor. Almost a quarter of the people with wrist tattoos regret their decision later. So you must take an informed decision about its design, so you do not regret it later.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hip Tattoos

Hip Tattoos
Hip tattoos are a very common choice for women and there are literally thousands of designs available. Once you’ve chosen your design and found the right tattoo artist, getting a hip tattoo is a fairly simply process. Here are a few tips to help you on your quest for the perfect hip tattoo. Find a good design for placement on the hip. The actual hip area is fairly small, so you will be limited on what type of design you can choose unless you don’t mind it extending to other parts of your body. Small tattoos placed in between the hip bone and pelvis area or on the back of the hip just above the butt aren’t uncommon and run the gambit on design choice. Two, decide on placement. You can pick the front or back of the hip or the entire hip area. If you’re going for something small such as a heart, flower, butterfly or Kanji symbol, you may decide to put it in one of the more common areas as listed in Step 1. However, if you’re looking for something bigger and more intricate, then it may be placed over the entire hip region and then even extend either up onto the belly and rib cage, down onto the upper thigh and butt or both up and down the body. The last thing to consider before you get the hip tattoo is the size of the design. Is it something that is small and easily hid or will it cover the entire area. Once these considerations are noted then you are ready to get your prized hip tattoo.
Hip Tattoos
Before getting a hip tattoo you should give some serious thought to the size, placement and care of your new design. The first thing you need to decide on is the size of the hip tattoo. Are you looking for something small like a heart or butterfly or do you want a larger design that covers the entire hip area like the cherry blossom tattoo in the picture. The next thing that you want to consider is your personal pain tolerance. Hip tattoos can be one of the more painful areas to get new ink. This is especially true if the design is going to run directly over your protruding hip bone. Anytime areas without much fat or muscle to cushion the procedure from the bone below are involved, the discomfort level increases. Next, decide on placement. You can pick the front or back of the hip or the entire hip and then some. It can even extend up the rib cage like this hip tattoo. The final thing that you should give serious thought to is the aftercare. It’s important to wear loose clothing during the healing process that won’t rub and cause irritation in the tattooed area. This can present a challenge for hip tattoos where your pants will be coming into direct contact with the area. Try to wear the least restrictive clothing you can, such as dresses, during the healing process. Or better yet, leave it completely uncovered.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hummingbird Tattoos

Hummingbird Tattoos
For anyone considering a tattoo that incorporates a bird in it’s design should consider getting a hummingbird tattoo. Hummingbirds themselves are a totem of clarity for many, as these tiny and beautiful birds ‘get to the heart of a matter,’ just as they get directly to the heart of a flower to get it’s pollen. But, the actual symbolism behind a hummingbird tattoo is not directly set in stone and is up to the interpretation of the bearer. Though, they may very well have an almost proverbial meaning of gathering joy from ‘burying our noses in, and inhaling all the sweetness of life.’ Hummingbird tattoos can come in a variety of shapes and colors. There are over 300 different types of hummingbirds, so you have quite a few to pick from. Colorful examples of hummingbird designs include the blue chinned sapphire hummingbird, which is a salient blue-green hue and the the purple throated mountain gem, which also sports the same sapphire coloring, but has streaks of light purple over its entire body. Despite, or maybe even because of, the fact that hummingbird tattoos do not have a set symbolism of their own, they make for an excellent design. You can assign whatever meaning you so choose to this image, and what’s more, have a beautiful piece of art to go with it.
Hummingbird Tattoos
When getting a hummingbird tattoo there are quite a few things that you need to consider. These include such variables as color, setting and placement of the hummingbird tattoo. Let’s go through these individual points one at a time. First and foremost, hummingbirds are colorful. You can certainly decide to go with a silhouette design if that’s your preference, but you’re missing out on an opportunity to play with color like you’ve never done before. There are an amazing variety of hummingbirds, so you might choose a realistic rendering of your favorite type. And be sure to use as much of your favorite colors as you want. As far as setting goes, try including a flower blossom in your design. Imagine how much more powerful your hummingbird tattoo will be in it’s natural setting. While hummingbirds seem to be a distinctly feminine tattoo, guys could wear this design by adding the name of a girlfriend, wife or daughter. As with any name tattoo, be sure the relationship is a lasting one before you commit to ink. Now for the last bit of advice. Consider where your going to place the hummingbird tattoo. You can place it on your arm, breast, back or even your ankle. There really is no bad place for this magnificent winged creature.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rosary Tattoo

Rosary Tattoo
Now here’s a guy who is serious about his religion and doesn’t want to go anywhere without his rosary on. And thanks to the rosary tattoo he has, he never will. These are the kind of tattoos someone gets when they are absolutely sure about something, like their faith for instance, and have no problem with knowing it will be part of them for the rest of their lives. Hey this guy might even be some degenerate criminal and even though he knows God will not help him if he is bad, he also knows he is going to carry God with him in everything he does so having this rosary tattoo stands for at least that. In other words he may not be looking for God’s approval.. And I am not saying he is criminal, just a what if.
I have seen a many a rosary tattoo in my time and this is one of the simplest ones a person can get. It’s basically a chain that is made to look like beads with a cross at the end. Though I must admit this one looks like a pretty cheap tattoo so I hope this guy didn’t pay much for it. But if he likes it that’s what really counts.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Star Tattoos

Star Tattoos
The star tattoo in the picture is a very well done design that depicts a shooting star on this women’s stomach. Shooting stars represent faith and hope but all star tattoos have some sort of meaning. Star tattoos are, and always have been, one of the most popular tattoo designs. It seems as if everyone today who is tattooed is sporting some kind of star tattoo or, at the very least, has considered one. What makes star tattoos so popular? Once regulated to sailors, the star tattoo, specifically the nautical star, had a very profound meaning. In the 1940s and 1950s another group adopted them and gave them another meaning. Getting a star tattoo today isn’t so much about meaning but about being one of the cool kids. Star tattoos have become that much of a fad. But where did it all start? Originally sailors depended on the North Star as a navigational aid. Five pointed stars, symbolizing the North Star, found their way onto early maps and compasses before finding their way onto the arms of sailors for protection and guidance to return them home safely. The Irish have always used them to symbolize good health.
Star Tattoos
These star tattoos mean so many different things to so many different people that it’s hard to get a bead on them when you see them. It is generally accepted that most star tattoos have their roots in the person seeing themselves as some sort of star on the rise and their tattoo is to signify that, but I think it is more of that thing that draws us all to the stars. That overwhelming feeling that maybe the answers to all things are out there somewhere, if we could only go an find out. And so we fantasize about traveling among the stars, though it is very unlikely that will happen any time in the next one hundred years. We simply do not have the propulsion systems to cover such great distances within a persons life time.

The start tattoos also stand for shooting stars, as in it’s time to make a wish and hope that it comes true. And perhaps that is the reason some decide to get star tattoos. Perhaps there is a part of them that is wishing for something that they secretly hope will come true one day in the future. And that is the thing about dreams. After all, you must be able to dream of doing something before you can actually do it. So we would be no where as a society without dreaming and that makes this a healthy thing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sparrow Tattoo

Sparrow Tattoo
The sparrow tattoo is a design that can easily be incorporated into either a males or females tattoo, all it takes is a little alteration. The sparrow tattoo could get slightly altered, depending on whether it is a man or woman who is getting the tattoo. If people are looking to get a tattoo, they may be thinking of getting a small tattoo and the sparrow tattoo is just a small tattoo design, but at the same time have a lot of detail. The tattoo artist of today have the ability to make every last detail show in the sparrow tattoo. The small tattoos like the sparrow tattoo look especially nice when they get them on the ankles. Looking for the right sparrow tattoo design is very easy today. There are many places that have sparrow designs and patterns. You should even look in the category of small tattoo patterns. And what is the meaning of the sparrow tattoo? Well, it depends on who you talk to but generally sparrow tattoos represent freedom. This is another reason for the popularity of the tattoo. If a person has had a hard time or period in their lives, this could be a bad relationship, they might get the sparrow tattoo to show their new independence. When people get the sparrow tattoo, they usually add more to the design than just having a plain sparrow.
Sparrow Tattoo
It seems that first and foremost, sparrow tattoos were originally popular with sailors. Life on the high seas was brutally rough in days gone by, and a lot of sailors that put out to sea never returned. Whether they succumbed to storms, rough waves or other sailors, it was considered a badge of honor just to make it back to port. Enter sparrow tattoos. It became a tradition for a sailor to get one sparrow tat for every 5,000 nautical miles of travel. Sparrows were also believed to bring a sailor good luck, so sometimes a seaman would get his tat before heading out in the hopes it would act as a talisman, and help bring him safely home again. Sparrows in nautical themes are often depicted with stars, perhaps as a symbol of following one’s destiny. Sparrow tattoos also have their place in prison culture, where the birds symbolize freedom. Certainly everyone with a sparrow tat isn’t a convict, but some convicts choose sparrows as a statement about their own freedom, especially when they are nearing release. These tattoos are typically worn somewhere on the hands, wrists or arms, but they can really be placed anywhere.

Arm Tattoo

Arm Tattoo
This arm tattoo is a really good example of what a good idea and a lot of bright colors with an arm tattoo can do. The picture is of a knight with a halo of fire stabbing a giant snake in the head with a spear. There are a lot of different eccentric and bright colors in this picture including light blue, pink, purple, red, yellow, orange, brown, and white. The flaming halo’s edges are a really bright shade of yellow, which fades to a light orange, which then fades into a thick, blood red. The knights wings are a mix of purple, light blue, and white. The white gives the wings a sort of glimmer or shine. The nights helmet is light blue with white around the edges which makes it look as though its glimmering. The shoulder pads are the same shade’s of blue with white that makes it shine. The tunic the knight is wearing is a burgundy color with shades of black for shading and white to make it look like it shines. The snake is a dark brown color, with white, blood stained teeth. The snakes tail curls out in the background, giving this epic finish this arm tattoo needed.
Arm Tattoo
This style of arm tattoo got its start during world war II with all the sailors from the states missing their girls and wives, so they started getting pictures of hot women at an arm tattoo to remind them of what they have waiting back home for them when they got into port. One of the most widely used arm tattoo during that era was a picture created by Hollywood for one of their movies. It got very popular, some say it was one actress and others say it was someone else. I don’t think anyone really knows who the original actress was that made the very first Hollywood style arm tattoo.
All I know is that men from all branches of service were getting them left and right while they were out of the country on active duty. Sure it was mostly the sailors, but a lot of marines and army men sure got a lot of them also. Matter of fact I think John Wayne had one while he was filming some of his great war movies in the south pacific. Now if John Wayne can have an arm tattoo we should all go out and get one tonight.

Hip Tattoo

Hip Tattoo
If you’re going to get a hip tattoo then make sure that it’s the best design that you can get. After all, this is a pretty big decision. And the decision you make now will be with you for the rest of your life. So how should you decide what tattoo design to choose for your hip? Let me give you a few pointers so that you can end up with a hip tattoo as spectacular as the one in the picture. First, find a design that has meaning to you; your child’s name, a religious symbol, a design that inspires you. Maybe even a design that has significant symbolic meaning to you. This is your hip tattoo so you want it to be something unique and very special. Second, make some sketches. Even if you can’t draw very well, you can do a rough drawing or an outline of your idea and a good tattoo artist can turn it into a great tattoo. The last thing you need to do to make your hip tattoo a reality is find a good tattoo artist. Don’t skimp on this part of the process either. Talk to your friends, ask for references and ask to see examples of the artist work. If you follow these three steps you’ll end up with a hip tattoo that you can be proud of for many years to come.
Hip Tattoo
Getting a hip tattoo is primarily a female tattoo. There are very few men who will get a tattoo here unless it is part of a much larger tattoo design that just happens to extend down to this area. So many of the common female tattoo designs can be used here. Anything from a fairy to an angel to a butterfly can all work well in the area. Often women also like to get more traditionally done hip tattoos tattoos in this area. Such as a skull and crossbones, a dragon or even a nautical star. However, due to the placement of the tattoo in such a sensual place it no longer looks to many but interestingly enough very sexy. The juxtaposition of a manly hip tattoo in such a feminine area often works really well. Another consideration is many people like to get symmetrical tattoos in this area and might design a tattoo that worked well on both sides. For example a angel and a devil can work well with one on each side of the hip. Whatever design you choose you will want something that is pretty small and not to large. Since the hip is a small area it will fit better if the tattoo is smaller and therefore you will want it to be not overly intricate either. If you get a really small tattoo that is very intricate you are headed for an ink spot in the future that can become indiscernible.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stars Tattoo

Stars Tattoo
This stars tattoo is actually an entire star field which seems to be held together by some other sort of celestial matter. It is well done and very colorful and it certainly does the trick as far as a stars tattoo goes. What does it stand for? Some will say it is all about that person really wanting to be a star but I don’t really think so. I just think this person, as well as many others feel some sort of very real connection with the stars and whatever else is really out there in the universe and I think that is certainly enough to get a stars tattoo.

Most people on the planet feel the connection with the billions of other worlds across the universe and a star field is a wonderful way of representing those feelings. It can certainly also represent freedom in many ways and that’s a good one too. The ability to believe in the impossible, when we really know it to be impossible is one of the biggest things that separates us from the rest of the animal world. And if you can dig all that, go and get yourself a cool looking stars tattoo and join the crowd.
Stars Tattoo
Star tattoos have appeared in various designs and contexts for hundreds of years. Every group of people who sport star tattoos bring different cultural, social and religious meanings to the designs involved. They have come to symbolise positivity, high ambitions, dreams, ideals and even life itself. In fact, the greatest star of all, the sun is vital for our continued survival and has itself become a popular tattoo symbol. Star tattoos have also been used for luck by sailors, soldiers and those in high risk occupations.
As with all things, someone else seen these tattoos, liked them, copied them, and adopted them to their own use. In the 1940’s and 1950’s the nautical star tattoo was adopted by the lesbian communities. Lesbians would have a small nautical star tattooed on the inside of the wrist that could be easily covered by a shirt sleeve, watch or bracelet during the day and displayed at clubs to quietly announce their sexual orientation. If your a fan of the star tattoo, you too can adopt this symbol and adjust it to your personal style. That way you can take a familiar design and turn it into something that is special and unique to you.

Side Tattoos

Side Tattoos
I suppose side tattoos can pretty much be made up of anything put on the side of the body. This side tattoo happens to be one of a shooting star field. At least that’s what it looks like. We all already know that the shooting star is supposed to be a sign that the person with the tattoo either thinks of themselves as some kind of star or believes that they are on the way to becoming a big star. Either that or the idea of the shooting star reminds them of some brief moment in their lives that had a profound effect on their lives, whatever that might be.

If you live long enough everyone will have things happen to them that may seem small and insignificant at the time they happen but will effect their lives greatly before it is all over. These are the type of things that people relate the shooting star tattoos to. However, it is entirely possible that this shooting start tattoo does not stand for any of that. It is a pretty nice looking as far as side tattoos go and I like the coloring a lot. And that is reason enough to get a tattoo like this.

Side Tattoos
A side tattoo is a very popular tattoo that can also look very sexy and is very easy to cover up when what a woman needs to do is hide a side tattoo. Women frequently get a saying going up their sides but you could also do a cherry blossom tree, a dragon or whatever you want that is long and rectangular. The side tattoo in the picture is a perfect example of what can be done with a little patience and a great tattoo artist. It’s a well designed flower that has quite a bit of dark shading to it. But, my favorite part of this side tattoo is the stem. Well, stem isn’t what I would really call it, maybe star stalk would be a better name for it. But, no matter it’s a stalk that is made up of lines and stars and it reach from the lower abdomen of this woman, all the way up to under her arm pit. It’s very beautifully done. But, I do have one complaint with this side tattoo. I really wish that it had more color. It would really make the design come alive, especially if bright colors like gold, blue and red were used.

Horse Tattoos

Horse Tattoos
It’s trivia time. What is the most recognizable design in the history of mankind? No clue? Well, let me fill you in. It’s the horse. Just take a look at the horse tattoo in the picture. It’s a little crude but I bet you couldn’t find one single person on the face of the planet that couldn’t immediately recognize this animal. It is one of the most familiar symbols of early man. The horse, before it was tamed, was one of the staple food items of early hunters. Pictures of horses adorn the cave walls of France and date back over 40,000 years. Even then, we revered the horse for its strength, speed and stamina, to say nothing of its beauty and grace. Horses were one of the first animals to be worshipped and considered an important animal totem. Horses were first domesticated some ten thousand years ago, somewhere in the Middle East or vast plains of Eastern Europe. In no time at all, men had climbed on board for a ride that has not yet ended. So, if your planning on getting a horse tattoo consider yourself in good company. There are thousands of people worldwide who are proud to claim the horse tattoo as their own.
Horse Tattoos
The Horse has universally been revered for its beauty and strength. The unique qualities of its heart and mind became recognized as the best characteristics with which to wage both war and peace alike. A Horse will whinny with delight at the sight of its owner and greatly mourn its loss should that beloved rider perish. Because the Horse is able to recognize its owner, and appears to return their love, it also became a symbol of mutual respect. So, it’s no wonder that the horse tattoo is a popular standard practiced in many parlors today. No other animal represents strength, stamina, power and trustworthiness more than the horse. Horse tattoos embody the characteristics of these noble creatures and by inking one on the skin the bearer hopes to identify with these qualities. But, regardless of whether you identify with these fine animals or simple have an admiration for them then the horse tattoo is a wonderful addition to any collection of body art. Because the Horse belongs to everybody, whether to ride or admire. Stories abound of the horse’s protectiveness, patience, and endurance during times when its owner faces hardship. And it will always be the symbol of free spirit and intuitive intelligence.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fairy Tattoo

Fairy Tattoo
She is beautiful and magical, she is the fairy of the forest, she is cute and cuddly, she is the fairy in your dreams. Oh this tattoo is just mesmerizing, a fairy with long golden hair wearing a purple dress with no shoes on her little feet. What a picture of beauty, a fairies tattoo like this always takes your breathe away when you see it up close and personal. Most people I know love fairies and everything they stand for. Look at the wings cutting through the air like transparent knives. I think this fairies tattoo is especially nice just with the way it was designed, very simple and yet it looks so real. The way the legs arch up out of the dress as if she is just taking off from a tree branch or from a nearby bush. I can never get enough of a good fairies tattoo, they just make you feel good about everything. When’s the last time you watched a fairies movie of any sort and didn’t turn off the television feeling good and refreshed about mankind. I know I haven’t, but when I look at a fairies tattoo that someone has on their body, I have to have a conversation with them about why they chose a fairies tattoo. I want to hear how they felt when they chose this perfect tattoo.
Fairy Tattoo
This is a beautiful full color fairy tattoo. I like the whimsical design and the bright colors used. I like the suggestive pose of this fairy tattoo but it seems like quite a big departure from the usual design. Look, we all have seen dozens of different variations on the fairy tattoo. I know that personally I have seen probably over a thousand different fairy tattoo designs. And by and large, they are usually direct representations of the creatures that have been shown in tons of children’s books. But, this design is a whole lot different. As I have said, this fairy is standing in a very suggestive pose. It has almost a sexual nature to it that I find quite peculiar for a fairy tattoo. I especially like the knee high boots and the blue hair. It gives this design a strange but great effect. But, it does show a certain level of creativity on the part of the bearer. This is one person who knows that getting a great tattoo means departing from the normal conventions and just going for it. If everybody followed this advise then the world would be full of unique and impressive designs.

Tattoo Flower

Tattoo Flower
Tattoo flowers are a great addition to any personal collection of body art, especially when it’s inked on a female. The tattoo flower in the picture is of a bouquet of tulips. The tulip tattoo flower has significant meaning. The meanings of tulips coupled with the immediately identifiable shape of their colorful blooms make them a comfortable flower choice. They are not too elegant, too romantic, too big, too small, or too bright; the tulip is always just right. They are like a favorite pair of jeans or your mom’s fresh-baked cookies in that the meanings of tulips express genuine coziness and comfort in all of the right ways. The meaning of tulips is generally perfect love. Like many flowers, different colors of tulips also often carry their own significance. Red tulips are most strongly associated with true love, while purple symbolizes royalty. The meaning of yellow tulips has evolved somewhat, from once representing hopeless love to now being a common expression for cheerful thoughts and sunshine. White tulips are used to claim worthiness. So, if a rose flower tattoo is too overused a design then consider the red tulip instead. It presents the same message but is way more original.
Tattoo Flower
This flower tattoo is simple looking, but is actually amazingly intricate. This tattoo use only, which include green, black, and purple. There is a tribal like design that flows from the left side of the flower tattoo to the right side of the flower tattoo. There are creases in the leaves, making each leaf look unique, original, and different. the leaves are a dull shade of green, which gives them a realistic, natural look. The flowers themselves are mostly purple, with shading where the pedals themselves lean over. The flower in this flower tattoo is a purple rose, which stands for majesty and glory. This symbolic meaning of this flower tattoo design in the background makes this flower tattoo a very cool looking, and intricate tattoo. The shade of purple compliments the green on the leaves, and the black of the outline of the flower tattoo compliments the purple. The colors of everything makes this tattoo amazing and realistic and the symbolic meaning behind this tattoo should make anyone who has it feel majestic and full of glory. This is an amazing tattoo.

Celtic Cross Tattoos

Celtic Cross Tattoos
A lot of celtic cross tattoos are worn by very religious people. Just looking at it reminds you of the church in many ways. I know anything that has a cross in it will do that. I like the tattoo, I would like to know what the other symbols on the cross mean. I am sure I could find out my doing a search for celtic cross tattoos and start reading up on them. I have always wondered why most celtic cross tattoos are done in black and silver or black and white. I have seen a few that have some color, but most have none at all.

When I look at this tattoo, I think of the days which brought us stone henge and brave heart. I do see a lot of girls and guys that are very gothic wearing these. I could see these tattoos used in films such as Underworld and any movies dealing with old Europe. Very mysterious to say the least. On one hand you have religion, and on the other hand you have the mystic. Maybe they go hand in hand, good versus evil. I would like to see more celtic cross tattoos so I might be able to design my own for future use.

Celtic Cross Tattoos
The celtic cross tattoo is one that is easily identifiable. It’s a cross with a circle in the center of it. The cross is often seen as a Christian symbol and the circle is one that has it’s roots in pagan magic. As symbolic expressions, the circle and the cross could not be more different. One is mystical while the other is almost geographical. The circle is a symbol of eternity and the endlessness of God’s love, while the cross relates to the four directions, or four corners of the Earth (or perhaps the four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water), while the axes coming together imply the joining of forces such as Heaven and Earth. That coordinate, enclosed within the circle, suggests a realm where time & space cease to exist, a precondition for communication between this world and beyond. If you are of Irish, Scottish or Welsh descent then you are probably familiar with the design. But if you are Scandinavian you may also be drawn to the celtic cross tattoo, as Norse art and Celtic art heavily influenced each other and they often overlap. Regardless of whether you choose it for it’s aesthetic value or the symbolism that it implies, it’s still a beautiful and practical piece for just about anyone.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Scorpio Tattoos

Scorpio Tattoos
Scorpio Tattoos
If you were born between October 24 to November 22 then you are a Scorpio and may wish to consider getting a Scorpio tattoo. This tattoo is representative of the strong personality traits associated with this sign. Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that is part of their character. They need great self-discipline, because they are able to recognize the qualities in themselves that make them different from other humans, and to know their utterly conventional natures can be used for great good, or great evil. Their tenacity and willpower are immense, their depth of character and passionate conviction overwhelming, yet they are deeply sensitive and easily moved by their emotions. Their sensitivity, together with a propensity for extreme likes and dislikes make them easily hurt, quick to detect insult or injury to themselves and easily aroused to ferocious anger. These personality traits make Scorpios very willful and intense creatures. If you fall under the influence of this sign then show your pride by having a Scorpio tattoo inked into your skin.
Scorpio Tattoos
Scorpio Tattoos
The Scorpio tattoo represents the eighth sign of the zodiac, reigning over the calendar year from October 23 to November 21, midway through autumn and approaching the dead of winter. Indeed, the approach of death and the following period of birth and renewal are at the heart of this often maligned but frequently tattooed astrology symbol. Like many of the astrology signs, the Scorpio tattoo alludes to the natural world. As with real scorpions, the zodiac symbol suggests the possibility of death but it is not a foregone conclusion. Instead, Scorpio tattoos have come to represent struggle and resistance, dynamic change, and sometimes also endurance and the triumph of life. The brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio is Antares, a binary star system whose main component is a red super giant. If fact, Antares is originally from the Greek meaning ’simulating Mars’ for its red color. Even today, as the constellation of Orion travels across the night sky, Scorpio chases him. As Scorpio rises in the east, Orion dutifully yields and sets in the west. A symbol of danger and also of strength, Scorpio is fundamentally the sign of change, whether that change is in the seasons, the struggle of life and death, or the rotation of the stars.

Sun Tattoo

Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo
A sun tattoo design might be great to wear if you are after attention. However, it would be a good idea to consider carefully that you are sure that you want to wear in the long term, because once the sun tattoo has been inked on you it would be hard and very expensive to get rid of later. Maybe as an after thought a sun tattoo may not suit you that well. The best way is to have them temporarily and select a few sun tattoos first. This will help you in finalizing the design if it looks great on you. There are many more designs available than just a sun tattoo. There’s a mammoth selection of artistic designs to choose from including some good sun designs. The good thing about making up one’s mind on his or her choice of tattoo design is to use various web sites that have collection of tattoos from which to choose from. One has all the time in the world to make choice. People sometimes do a mistake by going directly to a tattoo art studio as there they have limited choices to choose from depending on the tattoo artist. These results in a feeling of uncertainty to make up their mind quickly wearing a tattoo that suits your body and has a novelty to it will make you more attractive than others. Are you ready for your sun tattoo?
Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo
Now this is a pretty wild looking sun tattoo, don’t you think? It’s tribal of course and looks something like those Kung Fu throwing stars used by the Chinese karate experts. Those kind that are meant to stick in you and hurt a lot. And as such it looks quite dangerous, but I am sure it is not meant to look that way. As a tribal sun tattoo it is suppose to do nothing more than to symbolize the giving of life and all that is good for us.

Sun tattoos are probably the oldest tattoos there are. I would think it would have to be either crosses or suns. And as such there are literally thousands of different styles and designs of them. Maybe even millions. I like sun tattoos. I always have and I particularly like the tribal sun tattoo like this one. Simply because of how cool looking it is. It doesn’t need any deep meaning. Looking this cool is more than enough for me. In fact I am going to print this out and save it and this will be my next tattoo. See how easy that is? When you see one you like, just go for it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snake Tattoo

Snake Tattoo

If your looking at the snake tattoo in the picture then your probably thinking to yourself that this is just another snake tattoo. I would have to say that that’s true to an extent but your missing an important distinction in this design. This is a cobra snake tattoo. Cobra’s are like other snakes but is considered to be the most aggressive of them. Cobra very often can symbolize death and destruction because of its poisonous venom. But at the same time it can mean life and rebirth, because cobras, like other snakes, change their skin. In the ancient times cobras and other snakes used to be depicted together with different goddesses – they embodied such women’s characteristics as mysteriousness, intuition and unpredictability. For men a cobra snake tattoo means power and wisdom, but it is also a sign of insidiousness, slyness and darkness. That’s, probably one of the reasons of its popularity: cobra balances between the good and the evil, just like all of us mortals do. But when we’re talking about an evil cobra that is ready to fight – this tattoo can mean the owners strong and defensive character and shows that he or she can and will protect the things that are dear to him or her. One of the variations of cobra tattoo is an angry cobra protecting some objects like eggs or precious stones with some letters engraved.

Snake Tattoo

Snake tattoos are designs that have a number of different meanings to different cultures. In some cultures, the snake is the river guardian, or the snake-spirit living in wells. Among Australian Aboriginals, the giant rainbow serpent is the symbol of creation, and in Africa the rock python is held sacred. The ancient Aztecs had Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, which they worshipped as the ‘Master of Life’. In the Old Testament, however, the serpent in the Garden of Eden is vanquished by Yahweh, earning it the reputation as an eternal trouble- maker for man. One of the most poisonous snakes is also the most sacred, the rattlesnake. For the Native American, the indigenous rattlesnake is a symbol of potency and fertility. With a strike as fast as lightning, it has become associated with rain and the act of entering the earth and bringing forth life. It is regarded as the male symbol of creation. It is also a symbol of death and transformation, since its venom has the power to turn life towards death. The snake tattoo in the picture is a perfect example. And the artist of this snake tattoo has broadened this meaning by designing a snake that is half snake and half skeleton.

Eagle Tattoo

Eagle Tattoo

With the increasing popularity of tribal style tattoos, tribal eagle tattoos are beginning to appear everywhere. These tattoos are formed from curving, bold lines similar to those used in traditional tribal tattooing. The eagle tattoo in the picture combines the tribal eagle with splashes of color that is normally found in Native American art. For freedom lovers everywhere, the Eagle’s ability to fly to the tops of mountains and swoop silently into valleys makes it the unchallenged symbol of a free spirit. The influence of the eagle in American tattooing cannot be overestimated, especially within the military and patriotic service tattoos genres. From the most powerful god of the ancient Greek pantheon, to the United States government, the eagle has been adopted everywhere as an emblem. In myth and legend, the eagle was the sun god, symbolizing light and power, with fire and water as its elements. It was the symbol of spiritual power and courage, fearless in thunder and lightning, but when shown in imagery with the snake, it symbolized conflict. It’s one of the favorite symbols of leaders, warriors, and emperors, not only on earth but in the spiritual realms, as well. And little wonder, for the eagle is the epitome of speed, light, alertness, and power. It represented all that was majestic and noble. So it’s no wonder the eagle tattoo is growing in popularity, and the tribal eagle tattoo is a wonderful interpretation of this genre.

Eagle Tattoo
Most eagle tattoos feature majestic bald eagles. Such is the case with the tattoo in the picture. A proud bald eagle makes a striking tattoo. The American Bald Eagle is the national emblem of the United States of America. Bald eagles are found only in North America. They’re more common in the Northwest part of the continent, with more than half of the population in Alaska and British Columbia. They can also be spotted along the east coast, from Maine all the way to Florida. Since bald eagles eat mainly fish, they’re most often found where water is nearby. But there are many other types of eagles, giving you many choices for your eagle tattoo . Eagles range in size from small, pigeon-sized birds to predators large enough to carry off deer and monkeys. Various eagles eat snakes, fish, rodents, and even turtles. These birds catch their prey by swooping down and grasping fish or small animals in their talons. Most eagles are meat-eaters, but at least one,the African Vulturine Fish-Eagle, prefers fruit from local palms. Bald eagle tattoos usually symbolize freedom and patriotism, so it’s a perfect choice for any American who is proud of their country and want to emphasis the personal freedom that they enjoy.

Joker Tattoo

Joker Tattoo

The Joker tattoo is a derivative style taken from traditional clown motifs. The clown is often indicative of humor and entertainment. Though they are often seen as a fun loving and jolly character there is often a flip side to their personalities with an underlying bitterness or sadness about them. They are the light hearted souls who are often struggling against their own inadequacies. Despite their attempts they always end up falling on their faces. As the king’s jester, the clown mocked authority and ridiculed the establishment. Anything generally accepted as common knowledge was fodder for the jester’s ridicule. The jester was the only one who dared talk back to the king. In fact, that was his role, to think laterally, to think outside box, to abandon reason, and precisely for this reason were his ideas often incorporated into official policy. Besides he joker tattoo, other sub groups of clowns are often grouped together under the same heading. These include jesters, minstrels, tramps, tricksters, troubadours, and mimes. The joker is also associated with the fools depicted on playing cards or the "Fool" in the tarot deck. Even though the Joker is seen as someone foolish they are also quite intelligent.

Joker Tattoo

Joker tattoos used to be associated with playing cards and is related to ‘The Fool’ in tarot cards. As a playing card they usually have special powers and can be used in play or not as in ‘jokers wild’. Even though the joker is seen as someone foolish they are also quite intelligent. They rise above their circumstance by laughing at the serious and sometimes tragic world. Thus, they are the ultimate symbol of resilience. But, nowadays the joker tattoo has taken on a more garrish and ghoulish design. There seems to have been an evolution from the friendly fools of the tarot into sinister monsters and demons that haunts the recesses of our subconscious. Take a look at the examples in the picture. You can barely see the resemblance that jokers once shared with clown and mimes. The trend began to tip towards the horror spectrum. As a result the symbolism of the joker tattoo has also moved towards the macabre and evil. They are now portrayed as sinister tricksters ruthless in their pursuit of our dreams and perhaps our souls. No longer do they rise above strife or hardship but seem to be the instigators of it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The praying hands tattoos are one of the most beautiful tattoos a person can have. They are also one of the most popular tattoos on the market. Not only because it represents prayer, but because of the story behind praying hands tattoos. Two brothers from a very large family wanted to study art at the academy at Nuremburg. But they knew their father would never be able to send them to study. The two brothers were Albrecht and Albert Durer. He would study for four years and then he would finance his brothers study by selling his artwork , or if necessary, he would also work in the mines. Albrecht was very talented and his work was better than even his professors. Albert worked tirelessly to ensure his brother would be able to complete his studies. The work in the mines was hard and dangerous. By the time Albrecht graduated he was earning a decent living with his artwork. The time came for Albert to begin his studies. A week passed and one day Albrecht came home and saw his brother on his knees praying. What he saw made his heart break. His brother was praying for Albrecht to be a successful artist. His hands were extended heavenward in prayer. The hands looked as though they belonged to an old man. Tears flowed down his cheeks as Albrecht quickly drew a portrait of his brother’s hands in prayer. More than 400 years has passed and Albrecht Durer has paintings, etchings, charcoals, etc. in most of the famous museums of the world. His work in now immortalized as the praying hands tattoo.

This praying hands tattoo is the perfect example of mixing something you believe in and a memorial into a tattoo. This tattoo is beautifully done while only utilizing two colors; light blue and black. The detail in the hands is magnificent and very, very precise. The creases in the hands show that this is a person who prays a lot,and is someone who has a lot of love for their beliefs. The wrinkles in the shirt are beautifully detailed and shaded, The shadow on the left hand falls upon the right hand and sleeve with such subtle grace. The right hand is shaded amazingly with the shadow if the left hand and is even shaded on the wrist. The calligraphy that the name and the date’s are written in really complements the black and white coloring of the tattoo. The slight blue shading really makes the name pronounced. Once again, this kind of tattoo is an amazing example of the beauty a tattoo can have if gotten for the right reason. It also shows the good a tattoo can do in showing something you believe in or support, or memorializing someone you’ve lost that you loved.

Monday, February 1, 2010


sleeve tattoo
Some of you might be wondering why they call a sleeve tattoo and how it is different from regular tattoos? Typically sleeve tattoos are done on arms can also be done on the legs. They are any type of tattoo that fully covers this can so that little to no skin is showing through the tattoo. Some of the most popular sleeve tattoos include tribal, floral and Japanese tattoo designs. Let’s talk about each of these. Tribal sleeve tattoos are the most popular types of sleeve tattoos. These take large tribal tattoo designs and spread them out over the large canvas of the sleeve or full sleeve. These are often very popular ideas for guys as the bold strong black lines of a tribal design can look pretty cool. You are thinking about getting tribal sleeve tattoo design then you want to carefully consider the culture and the style you want. Many of the native cultures have very developed tattoo designs that have been carried over into modern tattoo art. For example, you can get a Maroi Tattoo design or possibly a Hawaiian tattoo design.Floral tattoo patterns – there are many different floral patterns and can easily be adapted to the full sleeve tattoo. These are typically more delicate feminine nature but don’t necessarily have to be. Traditional Japanese tattoo designs are another very popular theme for sleeve tattoos . The Japanese have a long history of tattooing and theme of the designs of koi fish, samurai, and cherry blossoms can often be interwoven to a very beautiful full sleeve tattoo.