Tattoos, Tribal tattoos, Celtic tattoos, tattoo designs, cross tattoos, flower tattoos, lower back tattoos, butterfly tattoos, sun tattoos, religious tattoos, fairy tattoos, dragon tattoo and more!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Military Tattoo Designs
Moving forward in history, we also know that the ancient Egyptians tattooed themselves. The first tattooed Egyptians were from the Middle Kingdom period (2160-1994 BC). The most famous tattooed Egyptian mummy from that period was a priestess named Amunet, who was discovered in Thebes. Amunet had tattooed lines and dots arranged in ornamental patterns on her chest, back, pelvis and legs. The tattoos on her back and chest were patterns of necklaces, belts and collars that were clearly ornamental. The tattoos over her pelvis were believed to enhance fertility.
Members of many other ancient societies also tattooed themselves for various reasons. If you are interested in learning more about the history of tattoos, some other societies who have an interesting tattoo history are the early societies of Great Britain and Western Europe, South America, and Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Military Tattoo Designs
Perfect Tattoo Design
But those procedures are often painful, expensive, and can take a lot of time. Yes, there are ways to remove a tattoo. Think of your tattoo as permanent, something that will be with you from now on. Because you will be living with it for a long time, so it’s something you should put a lot of thought into.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tattoo Changes - In Tattoos Zone
Not all tattoo changes can be fixed with a touch-up, though. Stretch marks are a good example, depending on the color of the stretch marks and the effect that the lack of elasticity in the skin has meant to the overall design of the tattoo. Only a visit to a tattoo artist will let you know. Likewise, a tattoo that has blurred may not be a good candidate for a touch-up.
Ironically, though, if the tattoo continues to blur at an accelerated rate (for whatever reason) it may enter into touch-up territory sooner rather than later.In a perfect world, everybody who wants a tattoo gets one and everybody who gets one likes it forever. Tattoos and people change, though, and not all tattoos are created equal. In some instances, people, their tattoos, and their tattoo design choices change to the extent that removing the tattoo entirely is the most desirable choice. This article acknowledges the obvious fact that some people will want their tattoos touched up, fixed, covered, removed, and even some combination of these. It offers information on all of these different approaches to changing a tattoo, including which approach is best suited to the different types of tattoos and the typical scenarios where tattoo changes are wanted.
Tattoo touch-up is part of the course of business, and some tattooists are constantly getting their own tattoos touched up in order to keep them looking fresh and great, sort of like hairdressers constantly doing each other's hair. A touch-up can take care of a variety of issues that may arise in a tattoo, although holidays (see chapter 3) spring to mind as the obvious candidate for this type of fix. Because small holidays am generally such a minor touch-up, many tattoo artists won't charge for them. It's always best to go back to the same tattooist who did your tattoo for the touch-up. You'll be assured of the same inks (composition and color) and workmanship. If you chose your tattoo artist wisely, then you have some amount of rapport with him or her as well.
Tattoo Changes - In Tattoos Zone
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Origin of Tattoo Art
Most designs of tribal tattoos were replicates of animals, flowers, and other shapes as seen in nature. You can perceive these tribal tattoo pictures instantly. Tribal tattoo designs encompass tribal rose tattoo, tribal crosses, tribal dragon tattoos, tiger tattoo, turtle tribal tattoos, and lots more.
Tribal tattoos art and tribal tattoos designs do not depict any significant meaning in the modern world of tattoo designs. Tribal tattoos were essentially abstract tribal art forms put together with curves and lines. Ancient tribal tattoo pictures were in typical black colors. Recent depictions of tribal tattoo designs display innovative colors and tattoo designs like skull tattoos, star tattoos, heart tattoo designs, fairy tattoo designs, tweety bird pictures, lettering tattoos, and similar more.
Koi Tattoo Design
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Feminine Tattoo Designs
Feminine Tattoo Designs
feminine tattoo design is very nice for body girl. Tattoos useful the inside body for look body very nice
all category : in Tattoos Zone
Monday, August 17, 2009
Custom Tattoo Designs
Chances are, you may already have a design in mind that you would like, however on the other hand, you may have already spent hours browsing designs and may wish to blend a number of designs into one. Due to the fact that a tattoo is permanent, you need to make sure you absolutely love the tattoo that is about to be superimposed onto your skin. A tattoo is a lifelong commitment, unless you have the courage and high pain tolerance threshold required for the laser surgery necessary for removing a permanent tattoo. Why a Custom Tattoo Design?.
Basically a custom tattoo design is a design which a designer creates just for you. The name is very self-explanatory. What are Custom Tattoo Designs? Right now we'll focus on custom tattoo designs, explore what they are and what the benefits of going custom are.
Should you opt for a free design or go all out with a custom design? You're seriously considering getting your own tattoo, however your preliminary searches online have presented you with a whole range of designs and options regarding what sort of tattoo to get.
Popular Tribal Tattoos
Taking the time to understand the culture and history of a tribal tattoo, shows a level of respect to a civilisation that has long passed. Although, that being said we no longer look at a person's tattoos to establish their success as a hunter. Nevertheless, it is important that the original inspiration remains.
Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal can be quite painful, as some people have described it as feeling like being splattered with hot grease. However, there is always some risk involved. Since technology has advanced so much, the risks of skin damage have become minimal and many experts say it is very rare for scaring to occur. Excess treatments can lead to blistering of the skin, painful sores on your skin, scabs and even scarring.
However, the more treatments you have also means heightened damage done to your skin. This process does not happen after one session, however, and the more treatment you have, the more likely the laser will destroy the ink. Laser removal involves targeting the tattooed area with pulses of concentrated light that will in turn break the ink fragments up into tiny particles which are then removed by you're immune system. Laser tattoo removal is one option for people considering the removal of a tattoo which is the most common method of tattoo removal.
Whatever the reason is, there are methods of tattoo removal out there. Some people might also have a tattoo that symbolizes hate or racism, and they no longer feel this way. Some people have tattoos in places that will prevent them from getting a job they want. Perhaps they have a named of an old lover tattooed on them, or they have a gang tattoo that there are no longer associated with. There are many reasons that a person may want to have a tattoo removed.
Often, after ten years of so of having a tattoo, the person may decide they don't want it any more. People like to get tattoos when they are younger and sometimes do so for stupid reasons.
Popular Anchor Tattoos
The anchor tattoo design has become a symbol for stability and a strong foundation. This is a pretty obvious connection here being that sailor use anchors constantly in their work. The symbol much later became popular with sailors. This was often used to show that they were Christian while escaping persecution from the Greeks. They would often use the anchor as a hidden symbol for the cross.
While the earliest forms of an anchor being used as a symbol harkens all the way back to the early Christians. So what is the symbolism behind the anchor tattoo design? Retro themes in tattoo designs are especially popular with the rockabilly group. This trend originated on the west coast mostly and has even become known as west coast tattoo style. These retro tattoo designs have come back to life with new more vibrant tattoo colors, designs and placements on the body.
In fact in the tattoo field as a whole retro tattoo designs have been experiencing a resurgence. However with an interest in all things retro and chic these have come back into fashion. Anchor tattoo designs are one of the oldest types of tattoos. It was often the symbol of a very experienced sailor.
Death Tattoos Pictures
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Trendy Sexy Tattoos
Even though butterfly tattoos are probably still the most sexy of all. I wouldn't think it ranks well as a sexy tattoo. Probably, next to a ship's anchor, the most commonly used tattoo design more associated with romance and sailors on leave. The other traditional design that is still popular is the heart tattoo.
I've seen too many of them and I tend to like something more original and without the thorns. Let's not forget that where the tattoo is a favorite of mine although I prefer something different to the traditional rose tattoo design. There are a lot more sexy tattoos available than just the almost traditional collection of butterfly tattoos.